KOSUN—A Drilling Waste Management Companies can Offer all the Equipment

KOSUN will have more opportunities to make great contributions to the drilling waste management in China, with the establishment of “Xi’an Oil and Gas Drilling Waste Management Engineering Research Center”,  The most attractive content in a DWM Solids Control research report officially released by this research center is “zero discharge of drilling waste”. DSC_5305 In designing the cuttings dryer, the main objective were developing an equipment capable of improving the separation efficiency compared to the usual solid control equipment,and DWM control VERTI-G cuttings dryer is reducing the amount of waste volume.DWM Solids control equipments of high-speed vertical centrifuge is saving the cost and the customer budget.An easy to use and maintain drilling mud solids control  equipment were all the parts are accessible and can be cleaned and maintained.The safety of the operators and the personnel involved in the operation.


With the rapid development of the oil industry, the pollution problems caused by abandoned drilling more and more attention around the world in DWM Control,so we more need DWM Solids Control equipment. The whole process of the oil industry (exploration, drilling, development, storage and processing) in the corresponding conditions of vertical cuttings dryer will produce a variety of pollutants (oil, oilfield waste water, waste drilling fluids and cuttings); if DWM control addressed directly discharged, bound to the natural environment caused some damage.


If you are interested in our DWM solids control equipment and services, you can click the website: http://www.kosun.us/drilling-waste-management/ and the other url is: http://www.kosungroup.com/products/drilling-waste-management/, we are also wormly welcome you write to us to consult about the drilling waste management services with the email: kosun@adkosun.com.