
Decanter Centrifuge is Widely Used in Drilling Mud Separation

KOSUN Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuges are designed specifically to remove unwanted solids and fine particles from virtually all kinds of used drilling mud, including those based on water/synthetics and conventional oil-based drilling flu…

VERTI-G Dryer Shaker can Deliver Dry Solids Under the Most Severe Loading

In the request for improved environmental practices, operators need solutions that take liquids/solids separation to a new level. The vertical centrifuge incorporates a high-speed vertical cuttings dryer that achieves maximum liquids/solid…

Oilfields Drilling Solids Control System Equipment Used in Domestic and Abroad

In oilfields drilling plant, normal working state of any system equipment is the basic requirement of drilling. Solid control system is one of the most important circulation system in the drilling process, and in last essay, three kinds of…

KOSUN DC Series Decanter Centrifuge Separation Principle

As everybody knows, drilling mud is the blood of oil drilling system, and it is very precious. The drilling mud solids control system can effectively separate the large drilling cuttings, barite and other large solid particles contained in…

Drilling Mud Decanter Centrifuge Separation Principle

KOSUN drilling mud decanter centrifuges unit of measurement designed to deliver high fluid recovery rates and economical solids management. Together, that adds up to an enormous reduction at intervals the operator’s total fluids worth and …

Hi-G shaker and Vertical Cuttings Dryer in Drilling Waste Treatment

In recent years, although domestic onshore oil and gas regions have devoted great efforts to management of waste generated in well drilling and well completion, the techniques still remain too inefficient to dispose waste thoroughly. Nowad…

KOSUN Drilling Waste Management Techniques Reduce the Environment Adverse Effect

A large amount of drilling waste will be generated at drilling site during drilling process. Such drilling waste is composed of many substances, which will inevitably cause severe pollution to the environment. In serious conditions, they w…

KOSUN Drilling Waste Management System is Widely Used in Domestic and Abroad

KOSUN drilling waste management services area unit supported our Waste Management Hierarchy that governs the means we have a tendency to take care of solids management and waste disposal altogether our drilling activities worldwide. The fo…

Solids Control System Application in Oil Drilling Industry

As everyone known both at home and abroad that perfect solids control equipment indicate scientific and sustainable drilling operations. Via continuous reformation and improvement within the latest decade, drilling fluids solids control sy…

KOSUN can Provide Drilling Waste Management Technology Support

Nowadays, there are several DWM solids management strategies and devices with completely different treatment effects. Read from the drilling things of assorted drilling website reception and abroad, the foremost vital and normally used dri…

KOSUN Customized Mud Cleaning System for the above Application

Oil drilling solids control system is the use of physical methods to remove the harmful solids phase in drilling fluid to improve the performance of drilling fluids and store the drilling fluid.The reasonable configuration and use of oil d…

Three Main Stages of Application about Drilling Waste Separation Technology

Drilling waste management will separate the solids and drilling cuttings from the drilling mud. Once the solid phase and liquid phase in the drilling waste is separated, some technologies can be adopted to deal with such waste. The applica…

Drilling Waste Management System Equipment is to Treat and Recover the Solids

KOSUN customize drilling waste treatment answer square measure in keeping with actual drilling waste created condition throughout rig drilling work and client treatment demand. 2 solutions for possibility, each will cut back the drilling w…